Courses that are required by shipping industry constellation

This course provides training for masters, chief engineers, officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo. It comprises a training programme appropriate to their duties and responsibilities, including characteristics of hazardous cargoes carried on OSV, their associated hazards, safety measures, pollution prevention, emergency operations, cargo equipment and operations and operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations.

Those successfully completing the training should be able to take immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit of hazardous cargo carried on OSV. In particular during the training, there will be:

 A greater awareness of the need of proper planning

 Enhanced awareness to apply proper and safe procedures when carrying out the various cargo handling

operations according to relevant international and national legislations and guidelines

An acquisition of experience in identifying operational problems and solving them

An improvement in the ability to make decisions which promote safety and protect the marine environment

An increased ability to plan and co-ordinate actions during emergency

This course provides training for masters, chief engineers, officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo. It comprises a training programme appropriate to their duties and responsibilities, including characteristics of hazardous cargoes carried on OSV, their associated hazards, safety measures, pollution prevention, emergency operations, cargo equipment and operations and operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations.

Those successfully completing the training should be able to take immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit of hazardous cargo carried on OSV. In particular during the training, there will be:

 A greater awareness of the need of proper planning

 Enhanced awareness to apply proper and safe procedures when carrying out the various cargo handling

operations according to relevant international and national legislations and guidelines

An acquisition of experience in identifying operational problems and solving them

An improvement in the ability to make decisions which promote safety and protect the marine environment

An increased ability to plan and co-ordinate actions during emergency

This course provides training for masters, chief engineers, officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo. It comprises a training programme appropriate to their duties and responsibilities, including characteristics of hazardous cargoes carried on OSV, their associated hazards, safety measures, pollution prevention, emergency operations, cargo equipment and operations and operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations.

Those successfully completing the course should be able to take immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit of hazardous cargo carried on OSV. In particular during the course, there will be:

  • A greater awareness of the need of proper planning
  • Enhanced awareness to apply proper and safe procedures when carrying out the various cargo handling operations according to relevant international and national legislations and guidelines
  • An acquisition of experience in identifying operational problems and solving them
  • An improvement in the ability to make decisions which promote safety and protect the marine environment
  • An increased ability to plan and co-ordinate actions during emergencies
Carriage and treatment of dangerous and polluting cargoes on board Offshore Service Vessels (OSV)
  • Introduction
  • Rules and regulations
  • Ship design, cargo containment and cargo-handling systems
  • Characteristics of cargo and cargo handling operations
  • Tank-cleaning operations
  • Hazards, safety equipment and pollution prevention
  • Tank/enclosed space atmosphere evaluation
  • Assessment and discussion

Safe Cargo Transport & Handling (SCTH) for dekksmannskap har 1 dags varighet og omhandler viktige element fra 3-dagers kurset med samme navn: Regelverk og korrekt håndtering av farlig laster ombord i forsyningsskip, typisk i oppdrag til og fra offshoreinstallasjoner. Kurset dekker områder som dekksmannskap vil møte i den daglige driften og i håndteringen av farlig last.
Med hovedvekt på PSV fartøy:
  • Regler og retningslinjer
  • Konstruksjon
  • Lastesystemer
  • Utstyr
  • Lastebehandling
  • Tankrengjøring
  • Sikkerhet og forebygging mot forurensing
Kurset passer for
alle som har med lasting/lossing og frakt av farlig gods. Opplæring er pålagt ALLE som har befatning med dette, fra logistikkansvarlig hos rederi til ansatt på kaiene ved basene, ref. STCW. Andre viktige stillinger som omfattes av denne opplæringen er dekksmannskap, matroser, kranførere og lærlinger.